Monitor Caddy logs with GoAccess
This website has no javascript, no cookie, no tracker whatsoever, but I finally wanted to keep track of the number of reads of my writings. The problem is how to keep records of some numbers like the total of visitor for a day or the list of referring websites while keeping few information about clients IPs.
Caddy is my first choice as an simple http server for hosting all my static websites. It is easy to setup and it has HTTPS automatic support.
Caddy provides a straightforward way to log requests and mask parts of visitors’ IP addresses. Here’s how I configured Caddy to log visitor data while respecting user privacy: {
log {
output file /var/log/caddy/edouardparis.log
format filter {
wrap json
fields {
request>remote_ip ip_mask {
ipv4 16
ipv6 32
ipv4 16
masks the last 16 bits of IPv4 addresses, while
ipv6 32
masks the last 32 bits of IPv6 addresses.
Looking for a tool for monitoring these logs, I found GoAccess, a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer written in the Go language.
GoAccess needs information about the specific format otherwise it will fail to parse the logs files.
goaccess /var/log/caddy/edouardparis.log --log-format=CADDY
GoAccess console interface is quite dense and seems to be quite a good tool for a sysadmin that needs a tool for a quick overview of the traffic that his server is handling.
If I want to have on my laptop a better overview with graphs,
I use goaccess
cli to generate a HTML file with the output flag and fetch it through SSH
ssh -n 'cat /var/log/caddy/edouardparis.log' | goaccess --log-format=CADDY -o stats.html -
I read then the stats.html
file using a local server (python -m http.server
that let me access it at localhost:8000/stats.html
Generating and reading the HTML report manually was tedious. I wanted my server to automatically generate and serve the GoAccess HTML report, protected by basic authentication. Here’s how I set it up.
Caddy provides a simple directive to protect access to files or directories and NixOs has very simple configuration for setting up systemd services and timers.
First, I generated a long password with my password manager, then used a command
from caddy
caddy hash-password --plaintext "<password>"
The output is a bcrypt
hash of the password used in the
section of the website as an authentication requirement
using the basicauth
directive. {
root * /var/www/
basicauth {
edouard <hash>
Here are the section of my configuration.nix
I added:
system.activationScripts = {
goaccessPermissions = ''
mkdir -p /var/www/
chown caddy:caddy /var/www/
chmod 750 /var/www/
}; = {
description = "Run goaccess to generate website statistics";
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -c '${pkgs.goaccess}/bin/goaccess -f /var/log/caddy/edouardparis.log --log-format=CADDY -o /var/www/ --persist'";
User = "caddy";
systemd.timers.goaccess = {
description = "Run goaccess every 2 hours";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
timerConfig = {
OnBootSec = "5min";
OnUnitActiveSec = "2h";
This configuration sets up a systemd service to run GoAccess every two hours, generating an HTML report accessible only by me at