1. About writing
It is not easy.
2. About this website
A static website was an evidence for me, I do not write enough to need a database and I have no abhorrence against editing configuration files.
2.1 Privacy
This website has no javascript, no cookie, no tracker whatsoever. I do
not spend time watching my caddy server logs and elaborate statistic
about its visitors. (Edit: I found a way to have logs without storing visitors IPs, cf notes/caddy-logs-and-goaccess).
I just want a little part of internet where a
visitor can read content without no exchange of information.
This website has no comment section. I do not want to add complexity to the backend or inject javascript in the templates. If a visitor want to express his/her opinion, he/she can email me a message that I will add to the article (if it brings something valuable) without editing it.
2.2 Design and performance.
This website has a minimalistic design. I do not believe minimalistic or brutalistic design is better than everything else, I just like it. The sites that give me inspiration are: